In the Beginning
Neither Side Can Claim Science
In the beginning of this series, I want you to see the crux of the
human part of this battle. Evolutionists fight intensely to convince judges
(who are not trained in the field of biology), lawyers (who are not trained in
the field of biology), parents (many of whom are not trained in the field of
biology), politicians (who are not trained in the field of biology), and many
of those in the fields of science and education (who are not trained in the
field of biology) to believe that evolution represents "science" and
creationism represents faith. Yet, because we do not have recurring,
reproducible phenomena and because no one observed how life came to this planet
when it was first formed, neither side can claim that it is scientific.
Evolutionists claim that they will be able to someday show in test
tubes, etc. evidence that life's beginning was an accident. In the meantime,
their view is not science and does not have supporting evidence. The very
nature of all of this kind of experimentation is prejudiced against them
because the use of test tube apparatuses proves that it took intelligence. They
are looking at the effect giving "guesses" and
"suggestions" about the cause. THIS IS NOT SCIENCE. IT IS FAITH! The
evolutionist's search for truth is a subjective study and not an objective
Dr. R. L. Wysong has a DVM (Doctor of veterinary medicine) from
Michigan State University. In his excellent book, The Creation Evolution Controversy
(I highly recommend it), page 231, he has a cartoon of a scientist with a
very large test tube apparatus and a blackboard with equations on it. The
caption reads, "If I can just synthesize life here . . . then I'll have
proven that NO intelligence was necessary to form it in the beginning!" I
hope you see the inherent obvious problem.
One of the big problems of evolutionists claiming "science"
is that they have to show how intelligent design exists in our universe without
a creator. They say it is an accident. The DNA molecule contains 3 billion
nucleotides, made up of 3 billion phosphate molecules, 3 billion sugar
molecules, and 3 billion bases in perfect sequence with all the codes for the
cell's synthesis of all the proteins which are composed of all left-handed
amino acids in a perfect sequence all folded perfectly. The DNA also has all
the coded information for every organ in the embryological development of the
baby. Evolutionists have to show the world how this can be attributed to the
colossal gigantic accident, evolution.
My purpose in these articles is to give our young people and parents a
glimpse of how big the accident is. The philosophy of evolution is hiding this
fact from the public. Remember, when all is said and done, evolutionists have
to explain intelligent design from the standpoint of nondirectional, nonintelligent
natural forces! The great organization of life demands positive directed
intelligent construction. Nature's forces do not have this ability. A tornado
going through a scrap yard could not form an M1 tank, although that would be
much simpler than the formation of the first cell.
Creationists believe that all the evidence in the natural world points
to an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent creator. You have to choose because
it's one or the other. No one could show, by any means, all the colossal
magnitude of God's design in the universe. There is not enough paper in Indiana
to show forth God's marvelous design.
I Will Repeat Myself In These Articles
understand that many concepts will be
repeated throughout these articles. This is consistent with my philosophy of
education simply called: Review, Repeat, Review, Repeat, Reinforce, Review
until It's Clear.
Look At The Evidence In A Courtroom Trial
Since neither creation nor evolution is science, our
children need to view this as a courtroom trial that presents evidence. In my
articles, there will be evidence to support creation. The jury has to decide!