For Piercing the Armor of the Philosophy of Evolution
This book contains the best and simplest arguments that refute the philosophy of evolution. This includes the deception of the geologic timetable, answers to supposed evolutionary proof found in high school textbooks, empirical evidence for a young earth and the biblical explanation for the earth's geologic phenomena. A good number of creationists, who are in the heat of the battle, have used Bro. Sharbaugh's book, Ammunition, in many of their presentations. The age groups that have benefited from the book have been from elementary school to men and women with advanced scientific degrees.
Retail Price: $15.95
Online Sale Price: $11.96
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To reach souls for Christ and counter the philosophies of those advocates of church growth that eliminate such scriptural doctrines as sin, judgment, and Hell, Red Sky’s a Blazin’ is presented to you. This book is a collection of awesome prophetic end-time events that not even Hollywood with all its money and technology could come anywhere near dramatizing.
If you have had difficulties understanding prophecy, Norm Sharbaugh’s simple, no-nonsense, straightforward approach to God’s Word in Red Sky’s a Blazin’ is an absolute must read book.
The author brings to this work over 130 illustrations from his 39 year preaching ministry. Many are from his personal experiences. For those that are busy in the ministry, this book will be a great aid in preparing Bible lessons and sermons.
Retail Price: $14.95
Online Sale Price: $9.71
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by Teri Sharbaugh
Just when Katie’s life is blossoming, her younger brother’s sinful choices put him in danger. What can Katie do to protect him from certain and serious harm? Lucas, an embittered widower, is willing to do almost anything to earn a coveted promotion. But the odds seem insurmountable. When the lives of these two strangers cross, we see how God’s sustaining grace can conquer our nearly hopeless situations. By a twist of His marvelous providential fate, we are brought to the mountaintop to experience the joyous conclusion of Compelled to Love a Stranger.
Retail Price: $14.95
Online Sale Price: $9.71
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The Treasure in Earthen Vessels
While a senior in college, Norm had a dramatic experience that caused him to question his religious faith. This experience took him on a journey that brought him to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Treasure has been very helpful to those searching for the truth and edifying to Roman Catholics who have trusted Christ as their Savior.
Retail Price: $11.95
Online Sale Price: $8.36
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Revival Sermons That Preach
Evangelist Norm Sharbaugh has been preaching revival sermons for over forty years. Of the sermons that the Holy Spirit has been pleased to use to send revival, the author has selected twelve to be included in this book, Revival Sermons That Preach.
Evangelists, pastors, missionaries, youth leaders, Sunday School teachers, Christian school teachers, women who teach women, and all believers who are serious about communicating surrender and revival themes will glean important texts and material. It will be particularly helpful for those busy in the ministry.
Retail Price: $13.95
Online Sale Price: $9.07
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For Born-Again Roman Catholics
In this book, you will get a clear, scriptural understanding of how what it means to be born again.
You will come to a realization of how salvation in church history has been greatly misunderstood. The Roman Catholic Church that we grew up in and the apostolic catholic (universal) church of the book of Acts have histories and teachings composed of two different political and theological entities.
We will compare salvation, as taught by the apostles in the book of Acts, with the Roman Catholic Church's declarations and version of salvation recorded in church history. There is historic evidence of the above as Paul said in Acts 26:26, "this thing was not done in a corner." Scripture and church history records it all.
Retail Price: $14.95
Online Sale Price: $9.71
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